Waffle Fries In Air Fryer (Time & Temp Intructions)

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Do you often crave the perfect combination of crispy and fluffy fries? Are you looking for a quick and easy way to make them in your own kitchen? You’re in luck, because now with the help of an air fryer, waffle fries have never been easier to make!

Not only do they come out delicious every time, but they also require minimal effort on your part—allowing you to enjoy restaurant-quality snacks without ever having to leave home.

Keep reading to learn everything there is know about making waffle fries in air fryer—from ingredients and tips for success all the way through crisping up those perfect golden edges.

Waffle Fries In Air Fryer Recipe

Waffle fries are a beloved side dish that can be enjoyed at any time of year. If you’re looking for an easy way to make them without all the frying and mess, try using your air fryer!

Air fryers use hot air to cook food quickly and with less oil, making them healthier than many traditional methods.

Air Fryer Waffle Fries From Scratch

Are you looking for a delicious snack to make in your air fryer? Look no further than air fryer waffle fries from scratch! This is an easy and delicious way to make a healthier version of your favorite french fry dish.

Plus, you can use any type of potato you like and make them as spicy or as mild as you like. 

Making waffle fries from scratch is a great way to enjoy a classic snack without the guilt.

By using an air fryer, you can make them with less oil and fewer calories. Plus, you can choose the type of potato and seasonings you like the best. 

Here are the steps for making delicious waffle fries in air fryer: 
Step 1. Gathering the Ingredients and Supplies 

Before you get started, make sure you have all the ingredients and supplies you need.

You’ll need four large potatoes, vegetable oil, and your favorite seasonings. For this recipe, we used garlic powder, paprika, and salt.

In terms of supplies, you will need a cutting board, a sharp knife, a bowl, and an air fryer.

Step 2. Preheating the Air Fryer

Before you start cooking, it’s important to preheat the air fryer. This helps to ensure that the potatoes cook evenly and get nice and crispy.

Set the air fryer to 375°F and let it preheat for about 5 minutes.

Step 3. Cutting the Potatoes

It’s time to cut the potatoes. Start by washing and peeling the potatoes.

Then, cut them into thin slices, about ¼-inch thick. Try to make the slices as even as possible.

Once the potatoes are cut, place them in a bowl and set aside.

Step 4. Tossing the Potatoes in Seasonings 

Now it’s time to season the potatoes. Drizzle the potatoes with vegetable oil and season with garlic powder, paprika, and salt. Toss the potatoes until they are evenly coated in the seasoning.

Step 5. Preparing the Air Fryer Basket 

Now it’s time to prepare the air fryer basket.

Line the basket with parchment paper or aluminum foil. This will help to ensure that the potatoes don’t stick to the basket and that they cook evenly.

Step 6. Placing the Potato Slices in the Air Fryer Basket

Now it’s time to place the potato slices in the air fryer basket. Spread the potato slices in an even layer in the basket.

It’s important to make sure that the potatoes are not overlapping or touching each other.

Step 7. Cooking the Waffle Fries

Now it’s time to cook the waffle fries. Set the air fryer to 375°F and cook the potatoes for about 15 minutes.

Make sure to shake the basket every 5 minutes or so to ensure that the potatoes cook evenly.

Step 8. Serving and Enjoying 

Once the potatoes are done cooking, they’re ready to be served. Serve the waffle fries with your favorite dip or condiment. Enjoy!

Making homemade waffle fries from scratch with an air fryer is easy and delicious. With just a few simple steps, you can have perfectly crispy and savory waffle fries in no time.

Try out this recipe today and enjoy the deliciousness of homemade waffle fries. Bon appetit!

Easy Frozen Waffle Fries in Air Fryer

Using your air fryer to make frozen waffle fries is incredibly easy.

1️⃣ All you need is a package of frozen waffle fries, some oil or cooking spray, an air fryer and a timer. 

2️⃣ To get started, you’ll want to preheat your air fryer to the desired temperature. The best temperature for making waffle fries in the air fryer is 350-375 degrees Fahrenheit.

3️⃣ Once your air fryer is preheated, place your frozen waffle fries into the basket of your air fryer. You can make as many or as few waffle fries as you want. Just make sure that the basket is not too crowded. 

4️⃣ Once you’ve placed the waffle fries into the basket, you’ll want to add some oil or cooking spray on top. This will help make sure that the fries cook evenly and don’t stick to the basket. 

5️⃣ Then, set the temperature and timer according to the instructions on the package and monitor the fries while they cook. You’ll know when it’s time to take them out when they’re golden brown and crispy.

6️⃣ When the timer is up, remove the fries and place them onto a plate or tray. Be sure to monitor them closely to ensure they don’t get too burnt or over-cooked. 

And that’s it! You’ve successfully made frozen waffle fries in your air fryer. Enjoy with your favorite condiments or as a side to a meal. 

What To Serve

Once the fries are golden brown and crispy, they’re ready to be served. Waffle fries are great on their own, but they can also be paired with a variety of dipping sauces or condiment.

Ketchup, barbecue sauce, ranch dressing, and honey mustard are all great options. You can also mix up the flavors by combining two sauces, such as ketchup and ranch.

A creamy garlic aioli or honey mustard are both delicious choices for waffle fries. If you’re looking for a healthier option, try a yogurt-based dip or a light hummus.

Finally, no meal is complete without a side dish. The best sides to pair with waffle fries are coleslaw, potato salad, or a simple green salad. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try serving your waffle fries with some roasted vegetables or a bean salad.

Waffle fries are also great served alongside a variety of other dishes. Serve them up with a salad or a burger for a classic combination. Or, pair them with grilled chicken and a fresh vegetable side for a more nutritious meal.

No matter how you serve up your air fryer waffle fries, you’re sure to enjoy a delicious and healthier version of your favorite fried snack.

So, grab your potatoes and get ready to make some crispy, crunchy waffle fries in the air fryer!

Nutritional Information

Waffle fries are a great source of carbohydrates and protein. They’re also low in fat and calories, making them a good choice for those looking to watch their weight.

On average, one cup of waffle fries contains about 200 calories, 10 grams of fat, 24 grams of carbohydrates, and 4 grams of protein. It also contains a good amount of dietary fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer.

So, if you’re looking for a tasty snack that won’t break your diet, air fryer waffle fries are the perfect choice! Enjoy them as part of a balanced meal or just as a tasty snack with your favorite dip or sauce.

Bon Appétit! With Deliciously Crispy Waffle Fries in Air Fryer, your craving for fried goodness will be satisfied. Enjoy!

What Are Waffle Fries?

Waffle fries are an American snack food that is made with potatoes cut into thick, wedge-like slices. The edges of the potatoes are then pressed against a waffle iron to create crisscrossed indentations and give them their characteristic texture.

They are lightly seasoned and usually fried in oil until crisp and golden. Waffle fries can be made from potatoes, sweet potatoes, or even carrots! 

Waffle fries can be eaten as a side dish or as a snack on their own. They’re usually served with ketchup or other sauces for dipping.

They’re perfect for dipping, as a side dish, or a tasty snack. Plus, they’re easy to make in the air fryer! 

The great thing about making waffle fries in air fryer is that you don’t have to worry about all the added fat from deep frying.

Air fryers use hot air instead of oil to cook the food, so your waffle fries will still be delicious and crispy without all the extra calories.

So don’t wait any longer – get ready to fry up some delicious waffle fries with your air fryer and satisfy your cravings for fried goodness!

Benefits of Cooking Waffle Fries in Air Fryer

Here are some of the benefits of cooking waffle fries in air fryer:
1️⃣ Healthier Option

Cooking waffle fries in air fryer is a healthier option compared to deep-frying them. Air fryers require substantially less oil, meaning you can enjoy waffle fries without worrying about all the unhealthy fats.

Additionally, air fryers can help you reduce your fat and calorie intake, making them a great choice for those looking to maintain a healthy diet.

This also means that you’re reducing your risk of developing health issues such as heart disease and high cholesterol that are associated with trans fats.

Not only that, but air frying also helps to maintain the nutritional value of your waffle fries.

2️⃣ Quicker Cooking Time

Unlike deep-frying, which can take up to 15 minutes, air frying only takes a few minutes.

Air fryers are known for cooking food quickly due to their hot air circulation feature. This means that you’ll have perfectly cooked waffle fries in a fraction of the time.

You also don’t have to worry about the oil splattering all over your kitchen, as you would with deep-frying.

3️⃣ Easier to Control Temperature

With an air fryer, you can easily adjust the temperature to cook your waffle fries to the perfect crispiness.

Air frying ensures that the temperature is consistent throughout the cooking process. This helps to make sure that your waffle fries are cooked evenly, resulting in a delicious and crunchy snack.

Additionally, you can also set a timer to make sure your food doesn’t get overcooked.

In conclusion, cooking waffle fries in air fryer is a great option for those who want to enjoy a tasty snack without sacrificing their health.

With the right air fryer, you can enjoy delicious and crispy waffle fries in a fraction of the time and with less oil.

Tips & Tricks for Cooking Waffle Fries in Air Fryer

To help you get the most out of your air fryer when cooking waffle fries, here are 6 tips to keep in mind.

1. Use Thin Cut Fries for Crispy Results

Waffle fries are usually cut in a thicker shape than regular fries, so it’s important to remember that if you want them to come out extra crispy, use thin cut fries. This will help your fries come out with a crunchy exterior and a light, fluffy inside.

2. Cook Fries in Smaller Batches

Overcrowding your air fryer basket can reduce the amount of crispness your fries will have. To ensure your fries turn out perfectly crispy, be sure to cook your fries in smaller batches.

3. Avoid Overcrowding the Basket

To help ensure your fries come out golden brown and crispy, avoid overcrowding the basket of your air fryer.

4. Shake the Basket Regularly

Shaking the basket every few minutes while your fries cook will help them come out extra crispy. It also helps to cook the fries evenly.

5. Use Non-Stick Cooking Spray

Before you put your fries in the air fryer, it’s important to spray the basket with a non-stick cooking spray. This will help make sure your fries don’t stick to the basket and it will also help them come out crispier.

6. Try Different Spices to Experiment with Flavors

To experiment with different flavors and spice up your waffle fries, try adding different spices to the mix. You can go for the classic salt and pepper, or try adding garlic powder, onion powder, or even chili powder.

These are just a few tips to keep in mind when cooking waffle fries in air fryer. With these tips, you will be able to make your own delicious waffle fries in no time.

So go ahead and give it a try and enjoy your crispy and flavorful homemade snack!

How To Store & Reheat Waffle Fries

Once your waffle fries are cooked and cooled, you can store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator. The best way to reheat them is in the air fryer once again. This will help them stay crispy and delicious!

You can also freeze your waffle fries for up to two months if you want to make a larger batch ahead of time.

To do this, just spread the cooked fries out on a baking sheet and place it in the freezer for one hour until frozen solid. Then transfer them into an airtight container or bag for easy storage and enjoy at another time.


How long do i cook waffle fries in an air fryer?

Cooking time for waffle fries in an air fryer will vary depending on the size of your fries, but usually they take between 8 – 12 minutes.

Be sure to shake the basket every few minutes and check them regularly to ensure they don’t get overcooked.

Can you cook frozen waffle fries in an air fryer?

Yes, you can cook frozen waffle fries in an air fryer. Just follow the instructions on the package for cooking times and temperatures.

You may need to adjust time slightly if your specific air fryer model cooks differently than others.

Is it healthy to cook waffle fries in an air fryer?

Yes! Air frying is a much healthier alternative to deep-frying, as it uses little to no oil and cooks the food quickly.

As long as you don’t overdo it on the salt or spices, air fried waffle fries can be a healthy snack that is still full of flavor!

Do you need to oil spray the frozen fries?

No, you don’t need to oil spray the frozen fries.

However, spraying the basket of your air fryer with a non-stick cooking spray before adding the fries can help them come out crispier and prevent sticking.

Do these directions work for frozen sweet potato waffle fries in the air fryer?

Yes, these directions work for both regular and sweet potato waffle fries in the air fryer.

Just be sure to adjust cooking times accordingly according to your specific package instructions if you’re using frozen fries.

Can I use other seasonings on my waffle fries?

Absolutely! To experiment with different flavors and spice up your waffle fries, try adding different herbs and spices to the mix before or after cooking.

You can go for the classic salt and pepper, or try adding garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cumin, oregano, thyme—the possibilities are endless!

Summary Up

Making waffle fries in air fryer is an easy and delicious way to get your favorite snack without deep-frying or using a lot of oil. All you need are some thin cut fries, spices of your choice, and a few minutes to whip up something tasty!

Plus, they store well in the refrigerator or freezer so you can make extras for later. So next time you’re craving waffle fries, don’t settle for anything less than making them perfectly crispy in an air fryer!

If you want to learn more about air frying and how it can help you make delicious meals, check out our website for more recipes and tips.

We hope this article has been helpful in understanding how to make the perfect Waffle Fries in Air Fryer! Bon Appetit!

Happy cooking! 🙂

Vinoteca author Barbara


Hi friends, I'm Barbara. I'm a food addictor who loves cooking! If you're looking for easy cooking tips, nutrition advice and reliable kitchen appliance reviews, you've come to the right place. At Vinoteca, we'll help you learn everything you need to know to make delicious meals at home.